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Topic: 2020 Democratic Primary

The 2020 Democratic Primary was a fiercely contested nominating contest that saw a wide range of candidates vying for the party's presidential nomination.

More on: 2020 Democratic Primary

The podcast episodes provided cover extensive analysis and discussion of the 2020 Democratic Primary, focusing on key events, candidates, and dynamics that unfolded during the race.

Episodes such as Preview: Election special on Build Pod Better podcast, Sanders Campaign Post-Mortem w/ Daniel Marans, and Super Tuesday: Current Affairs X SotB delve into the performance and strategies of candidates like Bernie Sanders, Joe Biden, and Elizabeth Warren, as well as broader themes like media bias, identity politics, and the Democratic establishment's influence.

Other episodes, such as Thanks New Hampshire! On to Nevada... and PREVIEW: Fear and Loathing in Iowa City w/ Daniel Marans, focus on specific primary events like the New Hampshire primary and the Iowa caucuses, analyzing their significance and impact on the overall race.

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