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Topic: 401(k) plans

401(k) plans are employer-sponsored retirement savings accounts that allow employees to save and invest a portion of their paycheck before taxes are taken out.

More on: 401(k) plans

The provided podcast episodes discuss various aspects of 401(k) plans, including their tax benefits, fees, investment options, employer matching contributions, and issues of inequity and adequacy.

For example, episode Mad Money w/ Jim Cramer 7/1/24 explores the pros and cons of 401(k) plans in detail, while episode Why 401(k) plans aren't equitable discusses the problems with the 401(k) model and potential solutions.

Other episodes, such as I'm ONLY Getting My 401(k) Match - Is That Enough? and Money Talks: The United States is Doing Retirement Wrong, analyze the sufficiency of 401(k) contributions and the broader failures of the 401(k) system as a retirement solution.

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