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Topic: Academia

Academia is a complex and multifaceted realm that encompasses teaching, research, and the pursuit of knowledge across various disciplines.

More on: Academia

The podcast episodes explore various aspects of academia, including the political and ideological leanings of academic institutions, the obstacles faced by marginalized groups, and the tensions between academia and industry.

For example, episodes such as E41: Steve Hsu on the Future of Everything and E140: Allyship and Intersectionality: From the 2020 Diversity & Inclusion Research Conference (DIRC20) delve into the lack of ideological diversity and the challenges experienced by underrepresented individuals in academia.

Other episodes, like Lessons to overcome snap judgements by Peter Huang, author of Disrupting Racism and Bad Bunny, Reggaeton, and Resistance, examine the role of academia in addressing broader societal issues related to racism, identity, and resistance.

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