Topic: Adaptation and Faithfulness

Adaptation and Faithfulness examines how closely a film or other work of media represents its source material, and the creative choices behind balancing fidelity and artistic interpretation.

More on: Adaptation and Faithfulness

The podcast episodes discussed demonstrate the importance of adaptation and faithfulness to source material in media, particularly in the context of film adaptations of video games.

The first episode, Weirdhouse Cinema: Mortal Kombat (1995), Part 2, delves deeply into the 1995 film adaptation of the Mortal Kombat video game franchise, analyzing how well the movie captures the core elements of the source material in terms of characters, fight sequences, and overall tone.

The second episode, Episode 418 - #CertifiedInfamous: Best Movies of 2023, touches on the adaptation process more broadly, discussing how faithfully certain 2023 film releases, such as Oppenheimer and The Three Musketeers: D'Artagnan, represent their original sources.

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