Topic: ADHD and Executive Function

ADHD can lead to deficits in executive function, which are the cognitive skills needed to plan, organize, prioritize, and complete tasks effectively.

More on: ADHD and Executive Function

The podcast episodes discuss the challenges that individuals with ADHD face in developing and strengthening their executive function skills, such as organization, prioritization, task initiation, and time management.

The episodes provide strategies and systems that can help students with ADHD overcome common issues like disorganization, procrastination, and missed deadlines. They also explore the importance of self-acceptance, managing emotions, and seeking outside help when needed.

For example, Episode 517 focuses on proven systems and strategies to help students with ADHD develop executive function skills, while Episode 491 discusses the personal experiences and strategies of Jessica McCabe, creator of the 'How to ADHD' YouTube channel, in managing her ADHD and completing long-term projects.

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