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Topic: Adherence

Adherence refers to the consistent and long-term engagement with recommended treatments, behaviors, or lifestyle changes to achieve desired health and wellness outcomes.

More on: Adherence

The topic of adherence is strongly emphasized in the podcast episodes, as it is highlighted as a critical factor for long-term success in health, fitness, and wellness programs.

In the episode GUEST SERIES | Dr. Andy Galpin: Optimize Your Training Program for Fitness & Longevity, the importance of adherence and consistency in following a structured fitness program is discussed in depth, with the host emphasizing the need for adaptability and enjoyment to promote long-term adherence.

Similarly, the episode Habits to live to 100, Blue Zones and cold showers with Dan Buettner stresses the importance of adherence and finding joy in healthy practices, particularly in relation to diet and exercise, for achieving longevity and overall well-being.

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