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Topic: Administrative state

The administrative state refers to the expanding bureaucratic and regulatory power of unelected federal agencies and civil servants, which many conservatives view as an undemocratic consolidation of government control.

More on: Administrative state

The podcast episodes analyze the ongoing debate around the role, scope, and limits of the administrative state in the United States.

Many episodes focus on recent Supreme Court rulings, such as the overturning of the Chevron Deference doctrine, which had previously granted federal agencies broad authority to interpret and enforce laws through regulations. This shift is seen by some as a significant blow to the power of the administrative state The Fishermen Who Could End Federal Regulation as We Know It.

Several episodes also explore conservative efforts to dismantle or limit the influence of the administrative state, including proposals like 'Project 2025' which aims to concentrate power in the presidency and staff agencies with ideological allies #1590 Red Caesar and Project 2025: A fascist fever dream by the Claremont Institute and the Heritage Foundation (Throwback). Proponents argue this is necessary to rein in regulatory overreach and restore accountability, while critics warn it could undermine democratic norms and the rule of law.

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