Topic: Adventure riding

Adventure riding is the practice of exploring new and varied terrains on a motorcycle, often involving off-road trails, camping, and a sense of spontaneity and exploration.

More on: Adventure riding

The podcast episodes Spice Up Your Rides: Keeping Motorcycle Trips Fresh and S07E09: Doodle On A Motorcycle both touch on aspects of adventure riding, highlighting the importance of breaking out of repetitive routines, incorporating off-road elements, and seeking out new and exciting riding experiences.

The first episode discusses a variety of ideas to add novelty and adventure to motorcycle rides, such as exploring unpaved roads and terrain, planning rides around meals or destinations, and utilizing GPS routing for spontaneous adventures. The second episode focuses on the journey of a popular YouTuber, Doodle, as she delves into the world of adventure riding, including her training with renowned rider Jocelyn Snow and her aspirations for various off-road disciplines.

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