Topic: Agricultural policies

Agricultural policies are government interventions that aim to support and shape the agricultural sector, often with goals of improving food security, sustainability, and farmer livelihoods.

More on: Agricultural policies

The podcast episodes discuss agricultural policies and their impact on smallholder farmers, particularly in the context of addressing food insecurity and promoting sustainable farming practices.

In the first episode, Agnes Kalibata highlights how government policies and programs in Rwanda have empowered smallholder farmers, leading to significant poverty reduction. However, she also emphasizes the urgent need for action to address the threats posed by climate change, including through emission reduction, climate-resilient farming practices, and improved market access for these farmers. How to empower farmers - and nourish the planet | Agnes Kalibata

The second episode explores the Supplemental Nutrition Assistance Program (SNAP) in the United States, and how it plays a crucial role in addressing food insecurity. The discussion delves into the dissonance between agricultural policies and food policies, suggesting the need for a more holistic approach to promote healthy diets and tackle the root causes of food insecurity. Ep. 30: The Evidence Is In: SNAP Works

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