Topic: Agricultural Research

Agricultural research involves scientific investigation and technological development to improve farming practices, crop yields, and sustainability in the agriculture industry.

More on: Agricultural Research

The podcast episodes 'Ironies and Onion Rings: The Layered Story of the Vidalia Onion' Ironies and Onion Rings: The Layered Story of the Vidalia Onion and 'Healing the ground we broke' Healing the ground we broke both discuss the role of agricultural research institutions and government agencies in facilitating advancements in agricultural technology and practices.

The 'Ironies and Onion Rings' episode explores how research and government support have contributed to the global expansion and technological development of the Vidalia onion industry, while the 'Healing the ground we broke' episode examines the benefits and challenges of no-till farming practices that are informed by ongoing research on soil health and sustainability.

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