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Topic: AI and automation

AI and automation are transforming industries and the workforce, with both opportunities and challenges for businesses and workers.

More on: AI and automation

The podcast episodes explore various aspects of how AI and automation are impacting businesses, the workforce, and society. Several episodes discuss the potential of AI and automation to automate tasks, increase productivity, and enable smaller teams to build larger companies. Episode 55463 on leveraging AI tools for TikTok marketing, Episode 34462 on the role of AI in Scribe's workflow automation product, and Episode 31483 on the potential impact of AI on team structures are examples of this.

Other episodes examine the disruptive effects of AI, such as Episode 10991 on the threat of job losses and the need for reskilling, and Episode 30357 on the concerns around AI's impact on the human element of podcasting. The episodes also cover the use of AI in specific industries, like Episode 146553 on AI in healthcare and Episode 225574 on AI in the entertainment industry.

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