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Topic: AI and society

The societal impact of artificial intelligence (AI) is a critical issue as the technology becomes increasingly advanced and pervasive.

More on: AI and society

The podcast episodes highlight the wide-ranging impact of AI on society, from its potential to disrupt industries and the job market to the ethical considerations surrounding its development and use.

Several episodes explore the societal implications of AI, including its influence on privacy, security, and human-AI interactions. The episodes also discuss the need for responsible AI governance, regulations, and public awareness to ensure AI benefits humanity while mitigating potential harms.

For example, the episode 'The AI Revolution is Here | Saturday Extra' emphasizes the need for society to proactively address the challenges and potential harms posed by AI while optimizing its benefits. The episode 'Do we actually want AI that seems human?' delves into the societal impacts of AI, including its potential to alleviate loneliness but also the risks of outsourcing human interactions to AI systems.

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