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Topic: Ai development

AI development encompasses the processes, strategies, and challenges involved in building increasingly advanced artificial intelligence systems.

More on: Ai development

The podcasts cover a wide range of topics related to AI development, including the current state of AI, the potential trajectories for its advancement, and the risks and challenges associated with navigating this transition.

Several episodes delve into specific aspects of AI development, such as the debate between open-source and closed-source approaches (The Promise and Peril of Open Source AI with Elizabeth Seger and Jeffrey Ladish), the computing infrastructure required for large language models and generative AI (Canada's uncertain AI future), and the strategies and motivations of AI companies in training their models (Inside the Race to Protect Artists from Artificial Intelligence).

The podcasts also explore the broader societal implications of AI, including its impact on the workforce, artistic industries, and the need for ethical frameworks and governance to ensure responsible development and deployment.

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