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Topic: Air pollution

Air pollution is a pressing environmental issue with far-reaching impacts on public health, the climate, and ecosystems.

More on: Air pollution

The podcast episodes discuss air pollution from a range of perspectives, highlighting its far-reaching consequences and the need for comprehensive approaches to address this pressing challenge.

Several episodes explore the role of policy, regulations, and legal battles in curbing air pollution, such as the Supreme Court's decision impacting the EPA's 'good neighbor rule' SCOTUS delivers another blow to Biden's EPA.

Other episodes delve into the scientific aspects of air pollution, examining its sources, interactions with the climate, and impacts on public health and the environment. For example, the episode The hunt for habitable exoplanets, and how a warming world could intensify urban air pollution discusses research on the temperature dependence of volatile organic compound emissions contributing to air pollution in Los Angeles.

The podcasts also cover the disproportionate impacts of air pollution on marginalized communities, the role of environmental justice movements in addressing these inequities, and the need for collaborative, community-driven solutions, as seen in the episode Look For The Helpers - Part 2.

Across the episodes, a common theme emerges: the urgency of transitioning to cleaner energy sources and transportation systems to mitigate air pollution and its associated health and environmental consequences.

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