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Topic: Algorithmic Bias

Algorithmic bias refers to the systematic and unfair discrimination that can arise from the design, development, and deployment of artificial intelligence and machine learning models.

More on: Algorithmic Bias

The podcast episodes explore various aspects of algorithmic bias, highlighting its potential to perpetuate societal inequalities, undermine fairness, and have serious consequences in domains like law enforcement, hiring, and content moderation.

The episodes discuss how biased data, flawed algorithms, and lack of diversity in AI development can lead to biased outcomes that disproportionately impact marginalized communities. They also cover efforts to address algorithmic bias through regulation, transparency, and inclusive AI practices.

The episodes provide concrete examples of algorithmic bias, such as in facial recognition technology How Face Scans and Fingerprints Could Become Your Work Badge, search engine algorithms Ep. 54: It's Just Code. How Can It Be Biased?, and welfare fraud detection systems Suspicion machines ⚙️.

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