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Topic: Ambition

Ambition is the driving force behind extraordinary personal and professional achievements, fueling relentless effort, resilience, and the pursuit of seemingly impossible goals.

More on: Ambition

The podcast episodes explore ambition from a variety of perspectives, delving into its potential benefits and drawbacks, as well as its relationship to personal growth, relationships, and societal expectations.

Several episodes highlight individuals whose ambition has shaped their lives and achievements, such as the ruthless ambition of Alexander Hamilton, the relentless drive of Andy Elliott, and the bold self-expression of Dolly Parton.

Other episodes examine the balance between ambition and contentment, as seen in the experiences of Lily Allen and Miquita Oliver, as well as the potential downsides of unchecked ambition, as discussed by Chris Distefano and Christina Wallace.

The episodes also explore how ambition can manifest in various contexts, from the ambitious plans to transport a character to the moon in The Amelia Project and Midnight Burger Present: Somnium, to the dark ambition of a scientist mother in "The Destroyer" by Tara Isabella Burton.

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