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Topic: American Civil War

The American Civil War was a pivotal conflict in US history, with deep roots in political, economic, and social tensions that ultimately led to the secession of the Confederate states and a bloody four-year war.

More on: American Civil War

The American Civil War is a central focus of the podcast episodes, with numerous discussions of key figures, events, and legacies from this transformative period in U.S. history.

The episodes delve into various aspects of the Civil War, including the final stages of the conflict, the leadership and decision-making of Union and Confederate generals, the impact of guerrilla warfare and special operations, the aftermath and reconciliation efforts, and the enduring influence of the war on American democracy and institutions.

Specific episodes highlight pivotal moments such as the Confederate raid on Washington D.C. in 1864, the surrender at Appomattox and the terms granted by Grant, the actions of Union spy James J. Andrews and the Great Locomotive Chase, and the legacy of the war as explored in author Erik Larson's work The Demon of Unrest.

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