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Topic: Ancient Greece

Ancient Greece was a highly influential civilization that flourished in the Mediterranean region from the 8th century BCE to the 1st century BCE, known for its advancements in philosophy, art, architecture, and political systems.

More on: Ancient Greece

The podcast episodes provided cover a wide range of topics related to ancient Greece, including its history, geography, politics, military, philosophy, mythology, and cultural impact.

Episodes such as Phillip II of Macedon and The Bronze Age Collapse explore the rise and fall of the kingdoms and civilizations of ancient Greece, while episodes like Laches by Plato and Ion by Plato delve into the philosophical works of ancient Greek thinkers.

Other episodes, such as Conversations: Better Off With Bears, Artemis & Goddess Worship w/ Dr Carla Ionescu, examine the role of mythology, religion, and the status of women in ancient Greek society.

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