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Topic: Ancient Roman History

Ancient Roman History explores the rise and fall of one of the most influential civilizations in world history, shaped by the dramatic events and complex personalities that defined the Roman Republic and Empire.

More on: Ancient Roman History

The podcast episodes provided cover a range of topics within ancient Roman history, including the succession struggles of Roman emperors, the life and legacy of the infamous emperor Nero, the transition from the Roman Republic to the Roman Empire, and the influence of Stoic philosophy during the Roman era.

For example, the episode #Londinium90AD: Gaius & Germanicus recall the succession struggle when the empire passed from Tiberias to Germaicus (the frantic Caligula) -- and search for a peaceful succession sequel for POTUS Biden draws parallels between ancient Roman succession dynamics and contemporary U.S. politics. The episode TWO THOUSAND YEARS OF ACTORS AND EMPIRES: 8/8:: Nero: Matricide, Music, and Murder in Imperial Rome focuses on the life and reputation of the Roman emperor Nero.

The podcast episodes provide a rich exploration of various aspects of ancient Roman history, from political intrigue and military conquests to cultural and philosophical developments.

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