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Topic: Ancient technology

Ancient advanced technologies, potentially of extraterrestrial or supernatural origin, are theorized to have existed in long-lost civilizations and may resurface in the future.

More on: Ancient technology

The podcast episodes discuss various theories and evidence surrounding the existence of ancient advanced technology, suggesting that many ancient sites and artifacts were created using capabilities not available to present-day humans.

For example, Could Peru be One of the Lost Atlantian Civilizations? examines the idea that megalithic sites in Peru were constructed using anti-gravity or weight reduction technologies, while The Dark Pyramid of Alaska proposes the existence of an ancient alien power plant hidden underground in Alaska.

Other episodes, such as Billy Carson Reveals Alien Encounter & Lost Civilization Secrets and The Codes Of Civilization with Ali Siadatan, delve into the potential influence of extraterrestrial or supernatural entities in the development of ancient civilizations and their advanced technologies.

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