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Topic: Angels

Angels are spiritual beings believed to inhabit the realm between the physical and divine, with the ability to interact with and influence the world.

More on: Angels

The podcast episodes highlight the theme of angels and their interactions with humans in various supernatural contexts.

For example, in the episode Planes, Trains, and Ghostmobiles, the mysterious stranger who helped Naima may have been an actual angel. In the episode E95 - Aaron Abke: The Forgotten Teachings Of Jesus, The Essenes & Dead Sea Scrolls, communing with angels representing natural forces/elements was a key Essene ritual practice. And in the episode RELOADED | 99: When Angels and Demons Visit, Adriel recounts his encounters with angelic beings, particularly the one that intervened against the demon he saw as a child.

The episodes explore the role of angels in various religious and spiritual traditions, as well as their perceived abilities and interactions with the human world.

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