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Topic: Animal Advocacy

Animal Advocacy is the growing global movement working to achieve farm animal welfare reforms and end the cruelty of factory farming practices.

More on: Animal Advocacy

The podcast episodes cover a range of topics related to animal advocacy, including efforts to end factory farming practices, the importance of animal welfare and conservation, and personal experiences connecting with the natural world.

For example, the episode '#185 - Lewis Bollard on the 7 most promising ways to end factory farming, and whether AI is going to be good or bad for animals' provides an in-depth look at the growing global movement working to achieve farm animal welfare reforms and end factory farming practices.

The episode 'Dr. Evan Antin: Hope is Following Your Heart and Giving Back to Animals' features a conversation between Jane Goodall and Dr. Evan Antin, where they discuss their shared passion for nature, wildlife conservation, and the spiritual connections they feel with the natural world.

The episode '816: Poultry Slam' explores the peculiar fascination and mystique surrounding chickens and fowl, touching on issues of animal advocacy and challenging traditional perspectives on their treatment.

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