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Topic: Animal cruelty

Animal cruelty refers to the abuse, neglect, or intentional harm inflicted upon non-human animals, which can range from physical torture to emotional distress and is considered unethical and in many cases illegal.

More on: Animal cruelty

The podcast episodes provided cover a range of topics related to animal cruelty, including instances of violence and neglect towards animals as warning signs or precursors to human violence, such as in the cases of serial killers Patrick Mackay, Keith Jesperson, and Shinichiro.

Other episodes focus more directly on animal cruelty, such as the disturbing practice of 'cat crushing' videos discussed in episode #348, or the gassing and burning of pet dogs during the forced expulsion of the Chagossian people, as highlighted in episode 51022.

The podcasts also cover instances of animal abuse in the context of other issues, like the lack of oversight and regulation in the organic farming industry exposed in episode 14536.

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