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Topic: Anthropocene

The Anthropocene is a proposed geological epoch characterized by the significant impact of human activity on the planet's ecosystems and geology.

More on: Anthropocene

The Anthropocene is a central concept explored across the provided podcast episodes, which discuss how human-driven environmental changes and ecological crises have shaped this new geological era.

The episodes explore the Anthropocene from various angles, including its cultural and historical underpinnings ('What Is Extinction?: A Natural and Cultural History of Last Animals'), its connection to issues of race, capitalism, and militarism ('Terracene: A Crude Aesthetics'), and the need to center Indigenous knowledge and decolonial perspectives in addressing its challenges ('Questioning Borders: Ecoliteratures of China and Taiwan').

The episodes also grapple with how to mourn the ecological losses of the Anthropocene ('Mourning in the Anthropocene: Ecological Grief and Earthly Coexistence') and explore alternative conceptualizations, such as the Plantationocene ('Plantationocene'), that highlight the uneven distribution of environmental harms.

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