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Topic: Anthropology

Anthropology is the study of humans and human behavior and societies in the past and present.

More on: Anthropology

The podcast episodes cover a wide range of topics that are relevant to the field of anthropology, including the study of ancient civilizations, cultural practices, indigenous knowledge, human evolution, and the application of anthropological methods to contemporary issues.

For example, episodes explore the discovery of ancient Aboriginal rituals in Australia Threads' Milestone, Ancient Aboriginal Rituals, and Nuclear-Powered Data Centers, the early settlement of the Pacific islands LONG BEFORE MAGELLAN, DRAKE, COOK: THE DARE OF THE FIRST TO RISK THE PACIFIC, and the cultural significance of ritual sacrifices How do fish know where a sound comes from? Scientists have an answer.

Other episodes delve into the anthropological study of topics such as the history of money and currency The History of Money (Encore), the evolution of human-pet relationships When did people start having pets?, and the cultural influences on the perception of disability and normality What Is Normal?.

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