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Topic: Anxious attachment

Anxious attachment is a relational style characterized by a strong desire for closeness and a fear of abandonment, often stemming from early childhood experiences.

More on: Anxious attachment

The podcast episodes provided focus on the topic of anxious attachment, which is a type of attachment style that develops in childhood and can significantly impact relationships in adulthood.

The episodes explore the root causes of anxious attachment, such as childhood trauma and nervous system dysregulation, and provide insights and tools for understanding and healing these patterns. The episodes feature experts who discuss common behaviors associated with anxious attachment, such as pursuing unavailable partners and self-abandonment, as well as strategies for developing self-acceptance, self-care, and a stronger support system.

Specifically, episode 463: Navigating Relationship Anxiety covers the basics of anxious attachment, while episode 443: Healing Your Negative Attachment Patterns delves deeper into the dynamics between anxious and avoidant attachment styles.

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