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Topic: Astrology

Astrology is the ancient practice of studying the movements and relative positions of celestial objects to divine information about human affairs and terrestrial events.

More on: Astrology

Astrology is a central theme throughout the various podcast episodes, with several episodes dedicated entirely to discussing and analyzing astrological concepts, planetary movements, and their potential influence on human experiences and society.

For example, the episode The Week of July 1st, 2024: Envisioning (and enacting) a new future with the New Moon in Cancer delves deeply into the astrological significance of the week, discussing how the planetary alignments and transits may impact personal growth, relationships, and manifestation. Similarly, the episode The Week of June 24th, 2024: Moving forward and looking back with Saturn retrograde explores the astrological influences of the week, including Saturn's retrograde and its implications.

Other episodes, such as We Took an Astrology Test and Astrology Breakdown: Ancient Science Of The Soul & Psyche, focus more on the personal exploration and interpretation of astrological birth charts and personality traits.

Overall, the podcast episodes demonstrate a strong interest and engagement with astrology, exploring its potential insights, applications, and controversies.

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