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Topic: Attention

Attention is a crucial human faculty that determines the quality of our experiences and the trajectory of our lives.

More on: Attention

The podcast episodes explore the central role of attention in various aspects of human experience, from mental health and cognitive functioning to productivity, creativity, and personal growth.

Several episodes highlight how attention can be cultivated and harnessed for greater well-being, focus, and meaning. For example, the episode 'How To Escape Your Brain's Default Mode Network | Zindel Segal and Norman Farb' delves into the science of the brain's default mode network and how 'sense foraging' can help break patterns of rumination and overthinking. The episode 'Where did I put the keys? Tips to improve memory' emphasizes the importance of attention in forming memories and warding off forgetfulness.

Other episodes examine the challenges posed by attention in the digital age, such as distraction, information overload, and the erosion of deep thinking. The episode '196: Focus & The Reading Life, with Maryanne Wolf' explores the impact of digital media on reading and cognitive abilities, while 'Tired? Distracted? Burned-Out? Listen to This.' discusses the crisis of attention and strategies for reclaiming it.

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