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Topic: Audience expectations

Audience expectations refer to the set of assumptions and anticipations that viewers or listeners have regarding the content, style, and outcomes of a particular media or entertainment experience.

More on: Audience expectations

The topic of audience expectations is explored across multiple podcast episodes, as the hosts and guests discuss the challenges and strategies involved in catering to and subverting audience expectations.

For example, in the Dragoncast: Home of House of the Dragon episode, the hosts analyze how the creators of House of the Dragon manage audience expectations, particularly regarding major events and plot developments. Similarly, in the Longform episode, the discussion focuses on the resistance from some comedians to having their work critically analyzed, as they may feel it challenges audience perceptions.

Other episodes, such as the Reality Escape Pod - Escape Rooms & Immersive Games episode and the second episode of the same podcast, explore how creators of immersive experiences must navigate the diverse expectations and preferences of their audience members.

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