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Topic: Authoritarianism

Authoritarianism is a political system characterized by a centralized autocratic leadership, often with repressive measures against the population and a narrow base of political power.

More on: Authoritarianism

The podcast episodes cover the topic of authoritarianism extensively, exploring its rise and impact on democracy both in the United States and globally.

Several episodes examine the authoritarian tendencies of political figures like Donald Trump, Narendra Modi, and Nayib Bukele, warning about the threat they pose to democratic institutions and values. For example, episodes "Why Trump's apocalyptic rhetoric has such wide appeal" and "Adam Serwer of The Atlantic on What Trump Would Do the The Courts in a Second Term" discuss Trump's authoritarian impulses and the potential consequences of a second Trump presidency.

Other episodes, such as "Martin Wolf and Raghuram Rajan on democracy's year of peril" and "Martin Wolf and Anne Applebaum on democracy's year of peril", analyze the global rise of authoritarianism and its impact on liberal democracies, drawing parallels between leaders and movements in countries like Russia, China, India, and the United States.

The podcasts also explore historical examples of authoritarian regimes, such as the Soviet Union, Egypt under Mubarak, and Yugoslavia, to provide context and draw lessons for the present day. Episodes like "Iran's Last Shah Flees the Revolution" and "The Rise and Fall of Yugoslavia" delve into these case studies.

Ultimately, the episodes highlight the urgent need to defend democratic values and institutions against the growing threat of authoritarianism worldwide.

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