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Topic: Baking

Baking is the art and science of transforming raw ingredients into delicious, often shelf-stable foods through the application of heat and other techniques.

More on: Baking

The podcast episodes provided cover a wide range of baking-related topics, from the history and cultural significance of the bagel Hole in One: History of the bagel to the personal baking endeavors and experiences of the hosts across various shows.

Several episodes delve into the technical aspects of baking, such as the challenges of rolling and shaping bagels and the difficulties of baking at high altitudes. Others highlight the role of baking in community events and personal celebrations, as seen in the Woolton Pie preparation for a D-Day event and the birthday cake baking for Lynda's birthday.

The episodes also showcase the emotional and personal connections people have with baking, whether it's the desire to improve baking skills and confidence or the use of baking to conceal a dark secret.

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