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Topic: Balancing work and family life

Balancing work and family life is a delicate challenge that requires finding the right division of labor and managing the impact of career demands on personal relationships.

More on: Balancing work and family life

The podcast episodes provided explore the challenges of balancing work, social media careers, and family life, with the guests sharing insights into the impact of having children on relationships and finding a division of labor that works for their respective couples.

For example, in the episode 'The Beeston's on Getting Haunted, Becoming Missionaries & Seeing My Sister-in-Law Topless', the Beeston siblings discuss the character-building aspects of their supernatural experiences and Derik and Tanner's LDS missions, while also touching on the challenges of managing their work, social media presence, and family responsibilities.

Similarly, in the episode 'Mandy Moore', the actress discusses navigating her early fame, relationships, and acting career while also focusing on her family life and raising children.

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