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Topic: Barriers to entry

Barriers to entry are the obstacles that make it difficult for new businesses or individuals to enter a particular market or industry.

More on: Barriers to entry

The topic of 'barriers to entry' is prominently featured in several of the podcast episodes provided, where it is discussed in the context of various industries and market dynamics.

For example, in episode 595. Why Don't We Have Better Candidates for President?, the episode argues that the current US political system functions as an uncompetitive duopoly, with the two major parties colluding to erect barriers that prevent new third-party challengers from emerging. The episode proposes electoral reforms like non-partisan primaries and ranked choice voting to increase competition and voter choice.

Similarly, in episode Bonus Sample #292 Techno Authoritarians vs Interoperabilities, the discussion explores how the network effects of large tech platforms can create barriers to entry for smaller competitors, and how interoperability legislation might help address this issue.

Other episodes, such as Ep 448. Stocks Below Replacement Cost, Nuclear Power Dynamics, and Insurance Premium Surges and Ep 445. Market Share and Profitability: Unraveling the Relationship, delve into the role of barriers to entry in determining pricing power, profitability, and industry dynamics in various sectors, including steel, theme parks, insurance, and nuclear power.

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