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Topic: Bats

Bats are flying mammals known for their unique adaptations, ecological roles, and complex relationships with humans.

More on: Bats

The podcast episodes explore the topic of bats from various angles, including scientific research, personal experiences, and cultural perspectives.

In 'Animal,' Episode 6: Bats, writer Sam Anderson travels to Mexico's Yucatán region to confront his fear of bats and gains a newfound appreciation for their importance in the ecosystem.

Similarly, in Episode 6: Bats, Sam Anderson's journey to understand and overcome his fear of bats is the central focus, delving into their behavior, ecological roles, and cultural significance.

The Atlas Obscura presents: Mafra Palace Library Bats episode explores the unique relationship between the rare book collection at the Mafra Palace Library in Portugal and the colony of tiny bats that patrol the library at night, protecting the books from insects and pests.

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