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Topic: Bias

Bias refers to the unconscious and often irrational tendencies that influence our perceptions, decisions, and behaviors, leading to unfair or inaccurate judgments.

More on: Bias

The topic of bias is central to the podcast episodes provided, as they explore how biases can manifest in various contexts, from healthcare decisions to workplace dynamics and societal perceptions.

In the episode 'Benefit of the Doubt (E)', the host examines the unconscious biases that lead us to inequitably give or withhold trust, highlighting the importance of recognizing and mitigating such biases.

The episode 'When a Senior is Ill, Can an Algorithm Decide Length of Care?' delves into the potential for algorithms to perpetuate biases and make flawed decisions due to biases inherent in the data used to train them, a critical issue in the age of AI-driven decision-making.

The podcast 'Data Points: Racism (Featuring LeRon Barton)' explores the concept of bias, both positive and negative, in the context of racism and the need for personal reflection and growth.

The interview with Kim Scott in 'Radical Candor: From Theory to Practice with Author Kim Scott' discusses the impact of biases in the workplace and the importance of acknowledging and addressing them.

Finally, the episode 'Brené with Paul Leonardi and Tsedal Neeley on The Digital Mindset, Part 1 of 2' addresses the potential for bias to be introduced or amplified in digital transformation initiatives, particularly through the use of algorithms and data.

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