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Topic: Biblical Examples

The use of biblical examples and narratives to illustrate principles and teachings.

More on: Biblical Examples

The podcast episodes often draw from a variety of biblical narratives, characters, and passages to reinforce the messages about faith, trust in God, overcoming adversity, achieving purpose and destiny, and other Christian themes.

For example, the host Joel Osteen references stories such as the Israelites in the promised land, the prodigal son, the crippled man, Hannah, Jehoshaphat, David, and many others to elucidate his teachings on God's abundance, exceeding expectations, overcoming unfair circumstances, and God's acceleration. Have An Abundant Mentality, The God Who Exceeds Expectations, and Your Move When Life's Unfair are a few episodes that showcase this approach.

Similarly, the host Megan Ashley from the 'In Totality' podcast cites biblical figures like Abraham, Moses, and Simeon to discuss themes of patience and impatience, as demonstrated in the episode Overcoming Impatience.

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