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Topic: Biblical Interpretation

Biblical Interpretation is the study and analysis of understanding the meaning and message of the Bible, involving principles, methods, and frameworks for interpreting scriptural texts.

More on: Biblical Interpretation

The topic of Biblical Interpretation is central to the discussions in the podcast episodes, as the hosts and guests frequently examine different approaches to interpreting and applying the teachings of the Bible.

Several episodes, such as How do we know the Bible is true?, Were Adam and Eve babies? How would they know how to get babies out?, and How to Interpret the Parables, delve deeply into principles and methods for properly understanding and contextualizing biblical narratives and lessons.

Other episodes, like Ep 997 | Why Do Catholics Pray to Mary? | Guest: Trent Horn and Marilynne Robinson on Biblical Beauty, Human Evil and the Idea of Israel, explore how differing theological traditions and scholarly perspectives can shape one's interpretation of Scripture.

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