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Topic: Biblical Values

Biblical Values encompass the essential spiritual and moral principles found in the Bible, guiding individuals towards a life of faith, purpose, and ethical living.

More on: Biblical Values

The podcast episodes provided highlight the importance of adhering to biblical values and principles as essential for maintaining moral and ethical standards in various aspects of life.

In the first episode, "The Balanced Life - Part 3", the focus is on nurturing one's spiritual life, making time for soul-nourishing activities, and centering life around Christ to find rest and peace amidst busyness, all of which are rooted in biblical teachings.

Similarly, in the second episode, "Best of the Program | Guest: James Poulos | 4/11/24", Glenn Beck emphasizes the importance of adhering to God's principles and biblical teachings, particularly in relation to issues like anti-Semitism and threats to press freedom, which he sees as essential for maintaining moral and ethical standards.

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