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Topic: Bioacoustics

Bioacoustics is the study of animal sounds and their use in communication and behavior.

More on: Bioacoustics

The podcast episodes provided cover various aspects of bioacoustics research, including its applications in wildlife monitoring, conservation, and understanding animal behavior and communication.

For example, the episode Feature: 'AI and the Holy Grail of Conservation' from Click Here discusses the use of bioacoustics and AI in real-time monitoring of forest elephants to detect poaching activities. The episode Do Sperm Whales Have Culture? examines the analysis of sperm whale vocalizations ('codas') to uncover evidence of cultural differences among whale populations.

Other episodes like How whales sing without drowning, an anatomical mystery solved and A stethoscope for the rainforest delve into the specific study of animal vocal anatomy and the use of acoustic recordings to monitor biodiversity in recovering rainforests.

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