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Topic: Blockchain innovation

Blockchain innovation explores the ongoing efforts to push the boundaries of what blockchain technology can achieve, from overcoming technical limitations to enabling new use cases and business models.

More on: Blockchain innovation

The podcast episodes provided discuss various aspects of blockchain innovation, including improvements to consensus protocols, scaling solutions, and the potential impact of new technologies like zero-knowledge proofs and trusted execution environments.

For example, episode Ethereum's Path Forward: Aligning Security and Monetary Policy delves into Ethereum's monetary policy and its effects on the validator set, as well as innovations like attester-proposer separation and proposer-builder separation. Episode David Tse (Babylon) on Bitcoin Staking explores the challenges and limitations of the Bitcoin network and how projects like Babylon are aiming to overcome them.

Other episodes, such as Exploring Crypto's Modular Path and Why Monad is Superscaling the EVM with Parallel Execution, discuss the potential of modular blockchain architectures and how they can enable new use cases and accelerate innovation across the blockchain stack.

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