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Topic: Blue Zones

Blue Zones are regions of the world where people live significantly longer, healthier lives.

More on: Blue Zones

The podcast episodes provided focus extensively on the concept of 'Blue Zones' - areas where people tend to live exceptionally long and healthy lives. These regions, identified through research by explorer Dan Buettner and others, provide insights into the environmental, social, and behavioral factors that contribute to longevity.

Several episodes, such as Longevity Secrets (And Controversies) From The Blue Zones, How to Live to 100 with Blue Zones explorer Dan Buettner, and Living Longer ... And Better, delve deeply into the common denominators of Blue Zones, including plant-based diets, strong social connections, sense of purpose, and stress-relieving practices. Other episodes, like Daily habits of a longevity expert, explore how to apply the lessons from Blue Zones to modern life.

By highlighting the lifestyle and environmental factors that enable long, healthy lives in Blue Zones, these podcast episodes provide a framework for understanding and promoting longevity more broadly.

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