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Topic: Brain-computer interfaces

Brain-computer interfaces are systems that enable direct communication between the brain and external devices, allowing users to control computers or prosthetics with their thoughts.

More on: Brain-computer interfaces

The podcast episodes discuss the development and potential applications of brain-computer interfaces, with a focus on Neuralink's technology. Several episodes, such as "#2167 - Noland Arbaugh", "Microsoft's AI PCs, Scarlett Johansson's AI Voice Controversy, Neuralink's Brain Chip, Tanzania's Space Agency, TikTok's Smellmaxxing", and "TNB Tech Minute: Neuralink's First Implant Encounters a Problem", provide in-depth coverage of Neuralink's brain-computer interface implants and their ability to help paralyzed individuals regain control and communication.

Other episodes, like "548: DEEP DIVE: Digital Afterlife: Preserving Your Mind for Eternity" and "#174 - Nita Farahany on the neurotechnology already being used to convict criminals and manipulate workers", explore the broader implications of brain-computer interfaces, including their potential for mind uploading, cognitive enhancement, and ethical concerns surrounding privacy and security.

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