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Topic: Brain Research

Brain research focuses on studying the structure, function, and disorders of the human brain, leveraging techniques like brain imaging to better understand the neurological basis of cognitive processes and behaviors.

More on: Brain Research

The podcast episodes provided cover various aspects of brain research, including studies on the brain's waste clearance process, the neurological basis of dyslexia, and the effects of traumatic brain injuries caused by domestic violence.

For example, episode A potential Alzheimer's breakthrough, what to watch in the first Biden-Trump debate, and more discusses new insights into the brain's waste clearance process and its implications for Alzheimer's disease. Episode Selects: How Dyslexia Works covers brain imaging research on the neurological basis of dyslexia, a learning disorder. Additionally, episode After Domestic Abuse Ends, the Effects of Brain Injuries Can Persist highlights ongoing research into identifying unique patterns of brain damage caused by repeated domestic abuse.

These episodes demonstrate the diverse applications and importance of brain research in understanding neurological conditions, learning disorders, and the impact of traumatic brain injuries.

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