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Topic: Brand management

Brand management refers to the strategic process of creating, maintaining, and enhancing a company's brand identity and reputation to drive customer loyalty and business success.

More on: Brand management

The podcast episodes provided offer a multifaceted perspective on brand management, exploring various aspects such as managing brand portfolios, responding to brand controversies, aligning marketing with business strategy, and reviving declining brands.

Several episodes provide in-depth case studies and insights on effective brand management, including the Arnault, Arnault, Arnault! episode's analysis of LVMH's approach, the How Coca-Cola used psychology to become the world's most memorable brand episode's examination of Coca-Cola's branding strategies, and the From a $1.1M Acquisition to $1.4BN in Revenues; The Meteoric Rise of Hoka Running episode's discussion of Hoka's brand revival.

Other episodes, such as Your Brand's Spokesperson Just Got Arrested - Now What? and The S in the ESG, highlight the importance of effective crisis communication and navigating sensitive brand-related issues to protect and enhance a company's reputation.

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