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Topic: Breathwork

Breathwork is a set of intentional breathing practices that can induce altered states of consciousness, promote relaxation, and facilitate emotional and physical healing.

More on: Breathwork

The podcast episodes provided highlight the diverse applications and benefits of breathwork, including its ability to directly influence the nervous system, reduce anxiety, induce relaxation, process trauma, and support overall health and well-being.

For example, episode 46563: "Ultimate Guide to Holistic Health: 3 KEYS to Controlling the Mind & RESETTING Your Nervous System" explores how practices like physiological sighs and tummo breathing can shift mental states, while episode 31032: "5 Ways To Scientifically Reduce Anxiety" recommends diaphragmatic breathing for anxiety relief.

Other episodes, such as #449 BITESIZE | The Simple Habit to Manage Daily Stress and Overwhelm | Tony Riddle, 15 Minute Body Scan Meditation to Reduce Frustration and Increase Calm, and Tend, Befriend & Thrive: Navigating Trauma with Dr. Sara Szal Gottfried MD, further explore the use of breathwork for stress management, relaxation, and trauma healing.

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