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Topic: Bridge collapse in Baltimore

The collapse of the Francis Scott Key Bridge in Baltimore has caused significant disruptions to the region's economy, with the port expected to be shut down for around 5 months.

More on: Bridge collapse in Baltimore

The podcast episodes provided focus on the collapse of a major bridge in Baltimore, the Francis Scott Key Bridge, which occurred after a ship collision. The bridge collapse is expected to halt operations at the busy Port of Baltimore for around 5 months, causing significant economic impact in the region.

Several episodes, such as Monday, April 1st, 2024, Biden: Baltimore bridge collapse 'terrible accident', and Baltimore Bridge Collapse, U.S.-Israel Rift, SCOTUS Abortion Pill Case, dedicate a significant portion of their coverage to reporting on the details and implications of this bridge collapse.

The episodes highlight the impact on transportation infrastructure, the search and rescue efforts, and the economic strain caused by the disruption to the Port of Baltimore's operations.

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