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Topic: Building decarbonization

Building decarbonization is the process of reducing carbon emissions from buildings through energy efficiency improvements, electrification, and the use of renewable energy.

More on: Building decarbonization

The podcast episodes provided focus on the topic of building decarbonization, exploring various strategies, challenges, and policy implications of reducing carbon emissions from the built environment.

Several episodes discuss the need to decarbonize both residential Retrofitting Homes for Net Zero and commercial 1-800-DECARBONIZE-MY-BUILDING buildings, highlighting technologies like heat pumps, induction stoves, and solar panels as well as the importance of energy efficiency upgrades.

The episodes also address the issue of energy insecurity and the disproportionate impact of high energy costs on low-income and minority communities, emphasizing the need for equitable solutions Who Gets AC in a Heatwave?. The broader economic and workforce implications of the transition to net-zero buildings are also explored in several episodes.

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