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Topic: Business case studies

Business case studies examine real-world examples of companies that have found innovative ways to increase profits, build customer loyalty, and improve their competitive advantage.

More on: Business case studies

The podcast episodes provided present a diverse set of business case studies, covering topics such as corporate strategy, marketing innovations, financial performance, and leadership challenges.

Episode 52345 examines the struggles of Southwest Airlines as it faces pressure to adapt its long-held principles, while Episode 38500 showcases how some companies were able to double their profits through small but clever marketing changes.

Episode 57818 features discussions on the nuances of current economic trends and the success stories of companies like Domino's Pizza, highlighting the value of authenticity and originality. Finally, Episode 9635 introduces the 'Trustonomy' podcast, which promises to share captivating stories from business history and lessons on building, maintaining, and repairing trust.

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