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Topic: Carbon footprint

Carbon footprint is the total amount of greenhouse gas emissions caused directly and indirectly by an individual, organization, event, or product.

More on: Carbon footprint

The concept of carbon footprint is prominently featured across several of the podcast episodes provided, with many of them discussing the environmental impact and greenhouse gas emissions associated with various products, technologies, and personal choices.

For example, episode "What's better: E-readers or paper books?" explores the carbon footprint of paper books versus e-readers, while episode "Bioplastics with Lauren Gropper" highlights the lower carbon footprint of plant-based plastics compared to conventional petroleum-based plastics.

Other episodes, such as "The Math" and "Techstars Director of ESG on Being a Responsible Founder and Investor", discuss the carbon footprint implications of personal decisions like having children and the role of companies in measuring and managing their carbon footprint as part of environmental, social, and governance (ESG) practices.

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