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Topic: Care work

Care work refers to the essential labor of providing care and support to individuals who cannot fully care for themselves, such as children, the elderly, or those with disabilities.

More on: Care work

The podcast episodes provided focus extensively on the nature, challenges, and importance of care work.

The episodes explore the historical factors that have devalued care work, which is often gendered, undervalued, and outsourced to marginalized groups. They also highlight the mental and emotional loads involved in unpaid care work and the need for strategies to improve the dignity and working conditions of caregivers.

For example, the episode Caregiving in America - the Dignity Gap examines the stories of two caregivers, one with union benefits and the other with meager pay and no benefits, and advocates for policy changes to improve the dignity and working conditions of caregivers. The episode Episode 187: Care Work delves into the history, politics, and personal experiences surrounding care work, including the gendering and outsourcing of this work to marginalized groups.

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